Monday 9 July 2018

Learn How to Make Trading Card Game Menus With Unity 3D Course Download Free

Learn How to Make Trading Card Game Menus With Unity 3D Course Download Free

A full guide on menus and collection management in trading card games with Unity 3D.

What Will I Learn?

Learn How to Make Trading Card Game Menus With Unity 3D Course Download Free

    • Create beautiful custom cards and creatures for your game.
    • Show enlarged previews when you are hovering over a card or a creature.
    • Enable card rotation and design a custom card back.
    • Highlight cards that your players can play and creatures that can attack this turn with glows around their border.
    • 2 different ways to drag cards in trading card games: just dragging cards onto the battlefield area to play them, or dragging onto a specific target to cast spell or attack with creatures.
    • Show targeting gizmo with an arrow and a target icon when attacking with creatures or casting spells.
    • Create adaptive layouts for your player`s hand and table areas. We are not using pre-determined places for cards. All the creatures and cards will always remain centered.
    • Make a Hearthsone-styled mana pool with 10 mana crystals. Players start the game with 0 mana and in the start of each turn they will receive 1 mana crystal.
    • Create framed Hero portraits and round Hero Power buttons.

  • Learn How to create a burning rope that will measure time left until the end of the turn.
  • Create decks with variable thickness. The more cards your deck contains – the thicker it looks.
  • Separate Visual and Logical part of your game (aka server – game client).
  • Create a simple system to manage, edit and create new cards, creatures or Hero classes.
  • Manage turns in trading card games.
  • Establish the most basic game mechanics of playing creatures and attacking opponent`s creatures or opponent`s Hero.
  • Create custom effects for your spells and Hero Powers.
  • Create diverse creature effects that might be triggered: when the creature enters the battlefield, when the creature dies, when the turn starts or ends or even when certain events occur in the game (like: when your Hero takes damage, draws a card, etc…).
  • Determine “game over” conditions and show some end game animations or events.
  • Create a simple computer AI that will control opponent`s Hero.


  • First couple of Sections in this course are very beginner friendly. In these Sections we spend most of the time working in Unity Editor. So anyone can learn how to make and rotate cards, create other visual elements that are used in this game.
  • In Sections 4-6 we use some advanced scripting techniques to establish all the processes that happen in our game Logic, write AI scripts and so on. So for the final lectures of this course it is best if you have some previous experience with C#. I try to explain everything that I am doing as much as I can.
  • You should install the latest version of Unity3D to work on this course and open example projects that are provided with this course (to develop this game I used Unity 5.4 beta, so any version of Unity after 5.4 will do).


This course provides a full guide on trading card game menus. In the video Lectures we cover only the process of making menus, collection browsing, deck building, pack opening, etc… But the battle mechanics part is also included into the Unity project that is provided with the course. So, you`ll have an opportunity to play the game with the cards that you create yourself or even use this application as a foundation for your own trading card game.

The material in this course is divided into 5 Sections. Section 1 features a short introduction to the course.

Since the Unity project that we are developing in this course can be treated as an extension of the course that we have made earlier about card game battle mechanics, in Section 2 we will make a recap of the techniques that we use in both courses to store cards in the project. You will learn about ScriptableObjects and ScriptableObject assets and how you can use them to store cards in your project. We`ll take a look at a very useful script CardCollection.cs that will be used in the project to filter the cards in our collection and get certain sub-sets of cards that satisfy certain criteria. In the last Lecture of Section 2 we`ll do some UI work in Unity and assemble the general layout of our menu scene.

Section 3 will be entirely dedicated to buying and opening booster packs with cards.

It makes sense to make the card pack opening part early in the course because it`s both the most exciting part of the project and at the same time the most isolated from other code. We`ll create a separate screen for the shop / pack opening area and explore all the scripts that make it possible to buy and open card packs. We`ll cover advanced topics like: drag and drop code for the unopened packs, using DOTween to automate movement of unopened packs and cards that we get from packs, displaying hover over effects, generating cards of certain rarity based on customizable probability coefficients. By the end of this Section we`ll have a fully functioning pack opening screen for this project.

Who is the target audience?

  • This course is for trading card game enthusiasts and for people who are interested in making card games like Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering. It will help you both build your own trading card game and explore what happens behind the scenes in your favorite trading card games.
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